Monday, August 25, 2014

Oatmeal, TRAX, and college!

     Today was my first day as a freshman at the University of Utah and man, was it something! My day started out by waking up at 5 am. Why? Because, I had to have the most important meal of the day on my first day of college (I had oatmeal for breakfast).

Boarding the TRAX at 6:15 am

      I arrived at the TRAX station at about 6:10 am. I kind of regret taking a class at 7:30 am... It's like high school all over again! Anyway, I arrived at the University at about seven and made it to my class ten minutes early. My first class wasn't bad, the instructor just went over the syllabus and what to expect from the course... nothing else, really. It also helped that one of my friends from Kearns has the same class as I do! My following class, writing 2010, also went over the syllabus.

Great view of the valley/stadium from the Marriott library!
     After that ended, I had a three hour break to do whatever I wanted. So what did I do? I went to the library of course! It's HUGE, I think it's about six stories high! It's going to take a while to learn where everything is in that maze. During my time at the library, I started to do my assigned reading, which was about forty pages. I found myself rereading passages over and over again. I guess I probably should've read a book over the summer, like The Giver, which I heard is a great read. 

J. WIllard Marriott library.. one word, big. 
     After my three hour break, I went to my last class, which is a combination of business/philosophy/humanities/ethics class. Interesting combination, but I'm looking forward to this class the most. 

The beautiful David Eccles School of Business!
     I even made a few soon-to-be-friends in some of my classes, which is a start. I'm generally not socially awkward or weird when meeting people for the first time AND my good looks always help (joking). I'm excited for my freshmen year of college and I'm looking forward to making new friends, memories, and experiences! 

I even got a free ticket to the B.o.B concert!

One last thing: there are many beautiful people in college. I feel like a solid one on a scale of one to ten in the looks department when I was walking around campus! 


Friday, August 22, 2014


     First of all, I want to say hi to anyone that is going to be reading my blog. My bio on here contains a few things about me that come to mind when someone asks me "tell me a little about yourself", however, there's definitely a lot more about me than that (hopefully)! I'm 18, a freshmen (again, sadly) at the University of Utah planning to pick a major in the business field. My favorite color is purple, my shoe size is 10 1/2 (although I used to wear size 13 mens shoes...), I used to be 80 lbs heavier than I am now, I'm committed to not gaining the freshmen 15, I'm hispanic, a first generation college student, and I love burritos.

     I decided to start blogging because I was inspired by a friend, former teacher, and advisor of mine, Phaedra Johnson! Her blog is absolutely amazing, just like herself! I hope mine will someday shine just as bright (like a diamond (Rihanna Navy). If you like travel, theatre, hockey, and the jazz, check her blog out!

Here is a picture of Phaedra and I at my graduation ceremony.

     Today, I went up to the U on trax for a Business Scholars program orientation that began at 9:40 am. It was a horrible waking up earlier than I have to to go to work on my day off. I miss the days I could just sleep in a.k.a. when I was a baby. After riding the UTA Trax for 45 minutes, I arrived at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts plaza and immediately realized that I was terribly underdressed! I read the email the night before saying to dress casual, but apparently another one was sent to dress business casual. There's not a better feeling in the world than wearing jeans, vans, and a t-shirt next to a guy who's wearing slacks and a tie! Anyway, the orientation lasted until 3:30 pm. It was definitely an eye opener. Out of about 3300 students beginning at the U at the school of business this year, only 142 of them are in the program, which definitely gave me a boost in my self-esteem! I am excited to be studying different majors such as marketing, finance, and business management (just to name a few) this year AND travel domestically to Phoenix, AZ and San Francisco, CA. Oh, and did I mention the international trip to Paris and Amsterdam this upcoming summer? STOKED!

The director of the program also gave us a high quality backpack to each scholar!